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James Woudhuysen

James Woudhuysen

Forecasting and Innovation Professor

Jason Bradbury

Jason Bradbury

Tech Expert and Broadcaster

Jennifer Vessels

Jennifer Vessels

AI and Growth Leader: Building Future-Ready Organisations

Jeremy Schwartz

Jeremy Schwartz

Former CEO of Pandora and The Body Shop

Jeremy White

Jeremy White

Future Tech Expert and Wired Senior Innovation Editor

Jonathan Gabay

Jonathan Gabay

Marketing, AI and Digital Trust

K D Adamson

K D Adamson

Leading Female Futurist and Ecocentrist

Kate Ancketill

Kate Ancketill

Retail, Tech and Brand Futurist

Kate Russell

Kate Russell

Technology Journalist and Broadcaster

Ken Hughes

Ken Hughes

Consumer and Shopper Behaviouralist

Kyle Fairchild

Kyle Fairchild

Former NASA Director and Rocket Scientist

Liv Boeree

Liv Boeree

Science Communicator and Former Pro Poker Player

Magnus Lindkvist

Magnus Lindkvist

Award-Winning Trendspotting Futurologist

Monte Königs

Monte Königs

Future Human Behaviour and Societal Change

Nick Jankel

Nick Jankel

Business & Personal Breakthrough Expert

Noreena Hertz

Noreena Hertz

Internationally Renowned Thought Leader

Paul Redmond (Dr)

Paul Redmond (Dr)

Generational Change & Future of Work Expert

Peter Cochrane OBE

Peter Cochrane OBE

Ex BT Chief Technology Officer

Pippa Malmgren (Dr)

Pippa Malmgren (Dr)

Former White House Advisor

Rachel Botsman

Rachel Botsman

World Renowned Trust Expert & Author

Robert Garbett

Robert Garbett

World Leading Drone Expert

Roger Steare (Professor)

Roger Steare (Professor)

The Corporate Philosopher – Culture and Ethics Expert

Rohit Talwar

Rohit Talwar

Leading Global Futurist

Rory Cellan-Jones

Rory Cellan-Jones

Former BBC Technology Correspondent

Sophie Hackford

Sophie Hackford

Futurist and Business Builder

Stephanie Hare

Stephanie Hare

Tech Researcher, Author and Broadcaster

Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak

Co-Founder of Apple Computers Inc

Sue Turner OBE

Sue Turner OBE

Ethics of AI and Data Expert

Timothy Papandreou

Timothy Papandreou

Emerging Tech, AI and Smart Cities Authority

Tracey Follows

Tracey Follows

World Renowned Futurist

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