Book a generation Z speaker for your next event. Our roster of generation Z speakers are ready to give your audience the rundown on everything generation Z and make sure they are up to scratch.

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Georgie Barrat

Georgie Barrat

Gadget Show Presenter and Tech Journalist

Kate Russell

Kate Russell

Technology Journalist and Broadcaster

Ken Hughes

Ken Hughes

Consumer and Shopper Behaviouralist

Linda Papadopoulos (Dr)

Linda Papadopoulos (Dr)

Leading Psychologist

Monte Königs

Monte Königs

Future Human Behaviour and Societal Change

Paul Redmond (Dr)

Paul Redmond (Dr)

Generational Change & Future of Work Expert

Steven Bartlett

Steven Bartlett

Dragon and Serial Entrepreneur

Thimon de Jong

Thimon de Jong

Future Human Behaviour, Societal Trends & Business Strategy Expert

Timothy Armoo

Timothy Armoo

Fanbytes Founder

William Higham

William Higham

Futurist and Consumer Trends Speaker

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