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K D Adamson

K D Adamson

Leading Female Futurist and Ecocentrist

Kate Ancketill

Kate Ancketill

Retail, Tech and Brand Futurist

Kate Hardcastle MBE

Kate Hardcastle MBE

Retail and Consumer Insight Expert

Kate Russell

Kate Russell

Technology Journalist and Broadcaster

Ken Hughes

Ken Hughes

Consumer and Shopper Behaviouralist

Kevin Gaskell

Kevin Gaskell

Former UK MD of BMW, Porsche and Lamborghini

Lisa Forte

Lisa Forte

Cybersecurity & Cybercrime Expert

Peter Cochrane OBE

Peter Cochrane OBE

Ex BT Chief Technology Officer

Rachel Botsman

Rachel Botsman

World Renowned Trust Expert & Author

René Carayol MBE

René Carayol MBE

Coach and Inclusive Leadership Expert

Rory Cellan-Jones

Rory Cellan-Jones

Former BBC Technology Correspondent

Sophie Cornish MBE

Sophie Cornish MBE

Co-Founder of

Sophie Hackford

Sophie Hackford

Futurist and Business Builder

Spencer Kelly

Spencer Kelly

BBC ‘Click’ Presenter and Tech Expert

Stephanie Hare

Stephanie Hare

Tech Researcher, Author and Broadcaster

Sue Turner OBE

Sue Turner OBE

Ethics of AI and Data Expert

Thimon de Jong

Thimon de Jong

Future Human Behaviour, Societal Trends & Business Strategy Expert

Timothy Papandreou

Timothy Papandreou

Emerging Tech, AI and Smart Cities Authority

Tracey Follows

Tracey Follows

World Renowned Futurist

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger

Trailblazing Big Data Expert

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