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Elizabeth Linder

Elizabeth Linder

Facebook’s former Politics & Government Specialist for the EMEA

Georgie Barrat

Georgie Barrat

Gadget Show Presenter and Tech Journalist

Greg Williams

Greg Williams

Editor of WIRED Magazine (UK Edition)

Holly Tucker MBE

Holly Tucker MBE

Holly & Co and Not On The High Street Founder

Inma Martinez

Inma Martinez

AI and Digital Visionary

Izzy Wheels – Ailbhe & Izzy Keane

Izzy Wheels – Ailbhe & Izzy Keane

Izzy Wheels Founders

James Lyne

James Lyne

Leading Cyber Security Expert

Jeremy White

Jeremy White

Future Tech Expert and Wired Senior Innovation Editor

Jonathan Gabay

Jonathan Gabay

Marketing, AI and Digital Trust

Julie Falconer

Julie Falconer

Award-Winning Digital Influencer

Kate Russell

Kate Russell

Technology Journalist and Broadcaster

Linda Papadopoulos (Dr)

Linda Papadopoulos (Dr)

Leading Psychologist

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