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David Bodanis

David Bodanis

Futurist and Best-Selling Author

David Rowan

David Rowan

Former Editor-in-Chief of WIRED Magazine (UK)

Dominic McGregor

Dominic McGregor

Social Chain Co-Founder

Edgar Perez

Edgar Perez

Web3, the Metaverse, AI and Financial Markets Expert

Georgie Barrat

Georgie Barrat

Gadget Show Presenter and Tech Journalist

Greg Lindsay

Greg Lindsay

Futurist and Urbanist

Greg Williams

Greg Williams

Editor of WIRED Magazine (UK Edition)

Hamish McRae

Hamish McRae

Economic Commentator and Futurist

Holly Tucker MBE

Holly Tucker MBE

Holly & Co and Not On The High Street Founder

Inma Martinez

Inma Martinez

AI and Digital Visionary

Izzy Wheels – Ailbhe & Izzy Keane

Izzy Wheels – Ailbhe & Izzy Keane

Izzy Wheels Founders

James Lyne

James Lyne

Leading Cyber Security Expert

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