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James Woudhuysen

James Woudhuysen

Forecasting and Innovation Professor

Jason Bradbury

Jason Bradbury

Tech Expert and Broadcaster

Jeffrey Robinson

Jeffrey Robinson

Crime, Fraud and Dirty Money Expert

Jeremy Schwartz

Jeremy Schwartz

Former CEO of Pandora and The Body Shop

Jeremy White

Jeremy White

Future Tech Expert and Wired Senior Innovation Editor

Julie Falconer

Julie Falconer

Award-Winning Digital Influencer

K D Adamson

K D Adamson

Leading Female Futurist and Ecocentrist

Kate Ancketill

Kate Ancketill

Retail, Tech and Brand Futurist

Kate Hardcastle MBE

Kate Hardcastle MBE

Retail and Consumer Insight Expert

Kate Russell

Kate Russell

Technology Journalist and Broadcaster

Ken Hughes

Ken Hughes

Consumer and Shopper Behaviouralist

Kevin Gaskell

Kevin Gaskell

Former UK MD of BMW, Porsche and Lamborghini

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