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James Woudhuysen

James Woudhuysen

Forecasting and Innovation Professor

Jean Tomlin OBE

Jean Tomlin OBE

London 2012 Director of HR

Jenn Lim

Jenn Lim

Global Workplace Expert

Larry Hochman

Larry Hochman

Former Head of BA Customer Services

Linda Moir

Linda Moir

Customer Services Expert

Nick Jankel

Nick Jankel

Business & Personal Breakthrough Expert

Paul Redmond (Dr)

Paul Redmond (Dr)

Generational Change & Future of Work Expert

Rasmus Ankersen

Rasmus Ankersen

Author of Hunger in Paradise and The Gold Mine Effect

René Carayol MBE

René Carayol MBE

Coach and Inclusive Leadership Expert

Richard Scase (Professor)

Richard Scase (Professor)

Leading Business Futurist and Strategist

William Higham

William Higham

Futurist and Consumer Trends Speaker

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