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Hamish Taylor

Hamish Taylor

Former Eurostar and Sainsbury’s Bank CEO

Hayley Barnard

Hayley Barnard

Diversity, Inclusion and Unconscious Bias Expert

Howard Webb MBE

Howard Webb MBE

Former FIFA International Football Referee

James Álvarez

James Álvarez

Persuasion & Negotiation Guru

James Kerr

James Kerr

Business Advisor and Author of 'Legacy'

Jim Lawless

Jim Lawless

10 Rules for Taming Tigers

John Bercow (Rt. Hon)

John Bercow (Rt. Hon)

Former Speaker of the House of Commons

Lucy Beresford

Lucy Beresford

Psychotherapist, Broadcaster and Writer

Martin Brooks

Martin Brooks

Body Language Decoder Author

Matt Lumb

Matt Lumb

War Paint for Men CEO

Michael Cole

Michael Cole

Broadcaster and Public Relations Expert

Nick Leeson

Nick Leeson

Barings Bank Rogue Trader

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