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Ann Widdecombe

Ann Widdecombe

Former MP, Broadcaster and Author

Ardal O’Hanlon

Ardal O’Hanlon

Award-Winning Comedian and Actor

Babita Sharma

Babita Sharma

Former BBC News Presenter

Bear Grylls OBE

Bear Grylls OBE

Adventurer & Survival Expert

Ben Collins

Ben Collins

Former Stig – Racing Driver & Stunt Driver

Ben Fogle

Ben Fogle

Presenter, Author and Adventurer

Ben Hanlin

Ben Hanlin

Leading TV Comedy Magician

Beth Rigby

Beth Rigby

Sky News Political Editor

Brian Blessed

Brian Blessed

Distinguished British Actor

Brian Cox CBE (Professor)

Brian Cox CBE (Professor)

Globally Renowned Physicist

Carole Malone

Carole Malone

Journalist, Broadcaster and Commentator

Charley Boorman

Charley Boorman

Motorcycle Riding Adventurer

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