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Benita Matofska

Benita Matofska

Sharing Economy and Circular Economy Expert

Blaire Palmer

Blaire Palmer

Leadership and Change Expert

Brad Burton

Brad Burton

No-Nonsense Entrepreneur & Motivational Leader

Brian McBride

Brian McBride

Ex Amazon CEO and ASOS Chair

Bruce Daisley

Bruce Daisley

Workplace Culture Author and Former Twitter VP

Campbell Macpherson

Campbell Macpherson

Unlock the Secrets to Successful Change

Caspar Berry

Caspar Berry

Risk Taking and Decision Making Expert

Caspar Craven

Caspar Craven

How To Achieve Big Bold Goals

Cassandra Stavrou MBE

Cassandra Stavrou MBE

PROPER Snacks Founder

Charles Leadbeater

Charles Leadbeater

Leading Authority on Innovation

Charles Morgan

Charles Morgan

Former Morgan Motor Company Executive Director

Chris Baréz-Brown

Chris Baréz-Brown

Innovation and Creative Leadership Expert

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