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Jeremy Guscott MBE

Jeremy Guscott MBE

England Rugby Legend & Pundit

John Inverdale

John Inverdale

Former BBC Sports Presenter

Jonathan Edwards CBE

Jonathan Edwards CBE

Triple Jump Olympian and Broadcaster

Kirsty Gallacher

Kirsty Gallacher

Respected and Versatile Broadcaster

Martin Bayfield

Martin Bayfield

Former England Rugby Player & Broadcaster

Martin Tyler

Martin Tyler

Sky Sports Football Commentator

Penny Mallory

Penny Mallory

Mental Toughness Authority

Roger Black MBE

Roger Black MBE

Former Olympic Sprinter

Sally Gunnell OBE DL

Sally Gunnell OBE DL

Former Olympic Champion

Sarah-Jane Mee

Sarah-Jane Mee

Sky News Presenter

Sharron Davies MBE

Sharron Davies MBE

Former Olympic Swimmer

Simon Lazenby

Simon Lazenby

Sky Sports F1 Presenter

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