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Bill Beaumont CBE (Sir)

Bill Beaumont CBE (Sir)

Former England and Lions Rugby Captain

Bob ‘The Cat’ Bevan MBE

Bob ‘The Cat’ Bevan MBE

Award-Winning After-Dinner Speaker

Bob Champion MBE

Bob Champion MBE

Legendary Horse Racing Jockey

Bobby George

Bobby George

The King of Darts

Bobby Skinstad

Bobby Skinstad

Former Springboks Captain

Brendan Hall

Brendan Hall

Round the World Yacht Race Winning Skipper

Brian Moore

Brian Moore

Former England Rugby Player

Bruce Grobbelaar

Bruce Grobbelaar

Legendary Liverpool Goalkeeper

Carl Frampton MBE

Carl Frampton MBE

World Boxing Champion

Catie Munnings

Catie Munnings

European Female Rally Champion

Chris Boardman MBE

Chris Boardman MBE

Olympic and Tour de France Cycling Legend

Chris Cowdrey

Chris Cowdrey

Former England and Kent Cricketer

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