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Stephanie Hare

Stephanie Hare

Tech Researcher, Author and Broadcaster

Steve Mould

Steve Mould

Entertaining Science Expert

Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak

Co-Founder of Apple Computers Inc

Sue Black OBE (Professor)

Sue Black OBE (Professor)

Award-Winning Computer Scientist

Sugata Mitra

Sugata Mitra

Educational Technologist

Susan Greenfield CBE (Baroness)

Susan Greenfield CBE (Baroness)

Neuroscientist, Broadcaster and Author

Tara Shine (Dr)

Tara Shine (Dr)

Climate Change and Sustainability Expert

Tim Peake

Tim Peake

British ESA Astronaut

Tim Smit KBE (Sir)

Tim Smit KBE (Sir)

Co-Founder of The Eden Project

Tim Wade

Tim Wade

Customer Behaviour and Customer Experience Expert

Tom Heap

Tom Heap

Countryfile and Climate Show Presenter

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