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Gerald Ashley

Gerald Ashley

Risk-Taking and Decision Making Expert

Hamish McRae

Hamish McRae

Economic Commentator and Futurist

Inga Beale DBE

Inga Beale DBE

Former Lloyds of London CEO

Iona Bain

Iona Bain

The UK’s Leading Millennial Money Expert

Jeffrey Robinson

Jeffrey Robinson

Crime, Fraud and Dirty Money Expert

Justin Urquhart Stewart

Justin Urquhart Stewart

Leading Market Commentator

K D Adamson

K D Adamson

Leading Female Futurist and Ecocentrist

Linda Yueh CBE

Linda Yueh CBE

Economist, Broadcaster & Writer

Marianne Abib-Pech

Marianne Abib-Pech

Transformational Leadership Expert

Misha Glenny

Misha Glenny

Organised Crime and Cyber Security Expert

Nick Leeson

Nick Leeson

Barings Bank Rogue Trader

Noreena Hertz

Noreena Hertz

Internationally Renowned Thought Leader

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