Futurist and Consumer Trends Speaker

For more info on William Higham, email us or speak with an agent on 01275 463222


  • "Will offered a unique perspective on how companies can remain competitive in the 21st century, in a compelling, entertaining and convincing manner: encouraging delegates to rethink their approach to consumer behaviour.”
    Jim Hodgson, Department for International Trade, South West
  • “Will’s talk was a great way to start our strategy conference. He brought new, provocative insights into evolving consumer behaviours, inspiring the audience to think of new ways to serve tomorrow’s consumer.”
    Matt Houston, Director of Strategy & Business Transformation, Primark
  • "Will has the unique skill of being able to identify those trends which are important and those which are just fads, then translating them into a commercial opportunity for your business.”
    Alex Owens, Head of Insight, Sainsbury’s
  • “It was a great pleasure to work with such a professional speaker as William Higham”
    Birgit Oidram, Baltic Conferences, Estonia
  • “He delivered a really engaging talk that was well-received by the audience”
    Nico McDonald, Chairman of Media Futures
  • “William is a rare talent, cutting through the hype to reveal what is really round the corner”
    Jo Rigby, Insights Head, Omnicom Group
  • “William’s presentation was extremely high standard. I look forward to working with him again”
    Amy Davies, EMAP Conferences
  • “His insights into the attitudes & behaviour of UK consumers proved highly useful”
    Wayne Garvie, MD Content & Production, BBC

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