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James Logan (Professor)

James Logan (Professor)

Science and Natural History Presenter

James Woudhuysen

James Woudhuysen

Forecasting and Innovation Professor

Jason Bradbury

Jason Bradbury

Tech Expert and Broadcaster

K D Adamson

K D Adamson

Leading Female Futurist and Ecocentrist

Kate Russell

Kate Russell

Technology Journalist and Broadcaster

Kimberley Wilson

Kimberley Wilson

Whole Body Mental Health Expert

Kyle Fairchild

Kyle Fairchild

Former NASA Director and Rocket Scientist

Liv Boeree

Liv Boeree

Science Communicator and Former Pro Poker Player

Liz Bonnin

Liz Bonnin

Science & Environmental Broadcaster

Maggie Philbin OBE

Maggie Philbin OBE

Bang Goes The Theory Presenter

Mark Thompson

Mark Thompson

Astronomy Broadcaster and Author

Matt Winning (Dr)

Matt Winning (Dr)

Comedian & Environmental Economist

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