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Greg Lindsay

Greg Lindsay

Futurist and Urbanist

James Logan (Professor)

James Logan (Professor)

Science and Natural History Presenter

James Woudhuysen

James Woudhuysen

Forecasting and Innovation Professor

Jason Bradbury

Jason Bradbury

Tech Expert and Broadcaster

Kevin McCloud MBE

Kevin McCloud MBE

Grand Designs Presenter

Kunle Barker

Kunle Barker

Award-Winning Property Expert

Maggie Philbin OBE

Maggie Philbin OBE

Bang Goes The Theory Presenter

Mark Gallagher

Mark Gallagher

Leading F1 Motivational Speaker

Mark Preston

Mark Preston

F1 and Formula E Motorsport Engineer

Martin McCourt

Martin McCourt

Dyson former CEO

Nick English

Nick English

Bremont Watches Co-Founder

Richard Noble OBE

Richard Noble OBE

World Land Speed Record Team Leader

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