Former Red Arrows Pilot

For more info on Justin Hughes, email us or speak with an agent on 01275 463222


  • "We have implemented this in every single operational meeting and our first half year performance for fiscal year 2018 has been excellent, exceeding our expectations when it comes to the number of patients treated with our medicines and subsequently exceeding our first half year corporate objectives."
    Gary Hendler, Chief Commercial Officer, Oncology Business Group (Global) and Chairman & CEO EMEA Region at Eisai EMEA
  • Justin hosted a two-day workshop in Canada for my global management team. He delivered a thought provoking and hands-on programme focused on high reliability and managing the tension between growth and safety. The session was extremely worthwhile, and I would not hesitate to bring Justin back.
    Andrew Buzinsky, Senior Vice President, Trican Completion Solutions
  • “Justin is one of a rare breed of speakers who absolutely engages and captivates an audience, providing clear takeaways to action straight away into positive business results. His ability to take experiences from his consultancy work and bring to life what high-performance environments are really like truly resonated with the team. Whilst there were a number of factors leading to a record performance for the company this month, I am certain that the impact and motivation provided from hearing the common sense approach that Justin provided was one of them. An outstanding person with a world-class ability to bring excellence to life.”
    Toby Babb, CEO, Harrington Starr, North Starr, HSTC
  • A superb first-class delivery with captivating real-life experiences around leadership behaviours and accelerated learning through high impact de-brief sessions all underpinned with attitude over skill. Insights, learnings and business models in abundance notwithstanding a real pleasure to work with.
    Mark Bradley, Managing Director, Plumbase
  • Justin wowed our audience at the World Class Leadership 2018 Conference. His blend of insight and humour was both entertaining and captivating. He provided a powerful and unique view into world-class teamwork and leadership. I very much look forward to working with him again.
    Simon Hartley, Organiser World Class Leadership Conference
  • …nothing short of excellent demonstrating a wealth of operational experience, knowledge and the ability to relate that to our environment. All expectations were exceeded.
    London Luton Airport
  • Feedback was massively positive and some of the best we’ve had
    Fujitsu Services (EMEIA)
  • Justin is one of a rare breed of speakers who absolutely engages and captivates an audience, providing clear takeaways to action straight away into positive business results
    Harrington Starr
  • Justin Hughes was guest speaker at the Annual Gala Dinner of the Northern Ireland Aerospace Consortium. In a wide-ranging and informative presentation laced with humorous anecdotes, Justin impressed the audience. The superb aerial displays are truly fine examples of teamwork at its best. In the short time available to him, Justin conveyed brilliantly the sense of camaraderie, dedication and commitment that are requisite attributes for success in his chosen profession.
    Paul Madden, Chief Executive, Northern Ireland Aerospace Consortium
  • The keynote worked extremely well; you had done your homework and researched our business. The presentation was memorable and will motivate the group as a whole. I look forward to working with you closely in the future on UK or other opportunities as they arise. I will recommend Justin Hughes to other businesses and friends and colleagues both within and outside of optics.
    Nick Loan, Managing Director, Bausch & Lomb (UK)
  • Feedback was very positive. Front line team managers found the presentation to be interesting, enlightening and particularly relevant to the skills and behavior expected of leaders in business today. Justin had done his homework on our organisation and was able to translate very effectively in what ways our managers could apply the concepts being presented.
    Lisa Butterball, HR Manager, De Veer Group
  • Overall we were very pleased with the events and have had some excellent feedback. The exercise was extremely dynamic and fitted nicely with our internal breakout sessions. I would have no hesitation in using Justin Hughes again and recommending you to other companies.
    Jan McNish, Business Transformation Director, Prudential Assurance

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