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Derek Thompson

Derek Thompson

Horse Racing Commentator

Dougie Donnelly

Dougie Donnelly

Leading Sports Presenter

Ed Chamberlin

Ed Chamberlin

ITV Horse Racing Presenter

Gabby Logan MBE

Gabby Logan MBE

BBC Sports Presenter

Garry Richardson

Garry Richardson

BBC Sports Presenter

Geoff Shreeves

Geoff Shreeves

Football Broadcaster

Graeme Swann

Graeme Swann

TMS Broadcaster and Former England Cricketer

Hazel Irvine

Hazel Irvine

Leading Sports Broadcaster

Henry Blofeld OBE

Henry Blofeld OBE

Legendary Cricket Commentator & Journalist

Ian Robertson

Ian Robertson

Former BBC Rugby Correspondent

Jason Mohammad

Jason Mohammad

Leading BBC Sports Anchor

Jeremy Guscott MBE

Jeremy Guscott MBE

England Rugby Legend & Pundit

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