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Michael Portillo

Michael Portillo

Broadcaster and Former MP

Monty Halls

Monty Halls

Explorer, Marine Biologist and Presenter

Oz Clarke OBE

Oz Clarke OBE

The World’s Most Entertaining Wine Writer

Quentin Letts

Quentin Letts

Parliamentary Sketch-Writer

Quentin Willson

Quentin Willson

Motoring Journalist and Presenter

Ranulph Fiennes Bt OBE (Sir)

Ranulph Fiennes Bt OBE (Sir)

The World’s Greatest Living Explorer

Ross Kemp

Ross Kemp

Award-Winning Documentary Maker

Steve Backshall MBE

Steve Backshall MBE

Wildlife, Adventure & Natural History Presenter

Terry Waite CBE (Sir)

Terry Waite CBE (Sir)

Former Beirut Hostage, Author and Guest Speaker

Trevor McDonald OBE (Sir)

Trevor McDonald OBE (Sir)

Distinguished Broadcaster

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