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Hazel Irvine

Hazel Irvine

Leading Sports Broadcaster

Ian Richards

Ian Richards

Corporate Comedian and After-Dinner Speaker

Jake Humphrey

Jake Humphrey

Broadcaster & High Performance Podcast Host

Jason Mohammad

Jason Mohammad

Leading BBC Sports Anchor

John Inverdale

John Inverdale

Former BBC Sports Presenter

Kevin Connelly

Kevin Connelly

BBC ‘Dead Ringers’ Comedy Impressionist

Martin Bayfield

Martin Bayfield

Former England Rugby Player & Broadcaster

Nigel Barden

Nigel Barden

Food & Drink Critic, Journalist and Broadcaster

Nigel Owens MBE

Nigel Owens MBE

Welsh Rugby Referee

Rob Nothman

Rob Nothman

Entertaining and Witty BBC Sports Presenter

Sebastian Coe (Lord Coe CH, KBE)

Sebastian Coe (Lord Coe CH, KBE)

Olympic Gold Medalist & London 2012 Bid Chair

Steve Davis OBE

Steve Davis OBE

Snooker Legend

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