Hilariously Funny Former Prison Governor

For more info on Robbie Glen, email us or speak with an agent on 01275 463222


  • "Entertained by a comic talent to match any of the Winter Garden's ghosts .... he ( Robbie Glen ) is a member of the Variety Club of Great Britain due to his work on behalf of handicapped children. His gift for making people laugh is surely entry qualification alone for that worthy organisation"
    The Buteman
  • "Robbie Glen had the 1000 guests of West of Scotland’s branch of the Institute of Petroleum's annual dinner rolling in the aisles earlier this week"
    The Business Diary of The Herald
  • "I well remember as President of Lords Taverners learning the hard way that if there was ... the governor of a jail on the list of speakers, to speak first"
    Sir Terry Wogan
  • "Robbie Glen is one of the finest after-dinner speakers you're likely to hear"
    Ian Buchan - The Evening Times
  • "Robbie Glen had them rolling in the aisles. This man should carry a government health warning: he is seriously funny"
    Cockburn's Diary - The Sunday Times
  • "Speak to Ayr Guildry , a fine bunch of men. Robbie Glen , the deputy governor of Barlinnie , brings the house down ; I quietly take a note of the best ones"
    Brian Meek - The Glasgow Herald

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Felicity Ward

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Frank Gardner OBE

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Chris Barrie

Chris Barrie

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Paul Tonkinson

Paul Tonkinson

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