Bomb Disposal Specialist

For more info on Chris Hunter QGM (Major), email us or speak with an agent on 01275 463222


  • 'I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for your contribution to yesterday’s successful event. Noel also asked to me extend his personal thanks and said that he too was extremely impressed with your presentation. We got loads of feedback forms returned and 100% of them stated that they found the content of your presentation “very interesting”. 95 % found the presentation relevant relevant to their organization. 96% said it covered what they were expecting and 95% said it ran for just the right length of time with 5% saying it was too short.'
  • 'Inspirational, thought provoking and moving. Chris presented to our sales & marketing community - a team that has gone through change and is under no small pressure to raise the bar in terms of delivery and success…He was an excellent speaker and I was totally engaged throughout. Despite having worked in such an extreme and diverse environment, his style of delivery and humour made it easy to get real learnings from how to cope with pressure and keep motivated to take back to the corporate world. Highly recommended.'
    International Accountancy Firm
  • ‘I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the excellent briefing and support you provided to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Your briefing was not only exceptionally well done, but also very informative and timely.’
  • 'Chris’ speech captivated the whole audience, from first year apprentices up to the board of directors – meeting all objectives, the speech was interesting, engaging and motivational, highly relevant to our evening in terms of subject and content. The accompanying video clips and photos added to the impact and left a lasting impression. The audience were captivated, engaged and interested from start to finish – I have heard nothing but enthusiastic, positive feedback.'
    Agusta Westland

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