International Body Language Authority

For more info on Allan Pease, email us or speak with an agent on 01275 463222


  • "It’s over twelve years since I invited you to be part of Successful Selling. Everyone here was delighted with your presentation, hence the reason we invited you back again and again – our delegates simply cannot get enough of you! Congratulations, without doubt any company that books you for their event, will get fantastic value"
    Shiela Watson-Challis, CEO – The Institute of Sales & Marketing Management
  • “Without exception our delegates voted this our best conference yet, and I can honestly say this was thanks to Allan. He captivated their attention from the moment he walked on stage… Enchanting, entertaining and sheer brilliance aren’t good enough to describe his performance.”
  • “At the National, our values include ‘Quality in everything we do’ and ‘Professionalism and ethics in all our actions’. We look for the same values in our business partners and you certainly exceeded our expectations.”
    National Australia Bank Ltd
  • “Allan’s perceptive and memorable presentation achieved the balance of being informative and highly entertaining in the area of human relationships and gave delegates the opportunity to both learn and relax at the end of a demanding day.”
    British Telecom

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